Addressing your concerns
TransCanada Credit Union will make every effort to resolve member concerns in a timely, efficient manner. We are committed to providing superior member service and products to you.
We want to maintain your satisfaction and confidence in TransCanada Credit Union by addressing any questions or concerns you may have. Your input helps us to continually improve our member services.
TransCanada Credit Union has developed a four step process to deal with any concerns you may have. We ask you to follow these steps if you have any issues you want to bring to our attention.
Step 1 – Talk about your concerns with the TransCanada Credit Union employee you are dealing with Credit Union employees are authorized to address many questions or concerns on the spot. You can also complete our online contact form on the front page of our website or call our office at 403-920-2664.
Step 2 – Contact the Credit Union General Manager. If your problem cannot be resolved at the first step, ask to speak to the General Manager. They have the authority to address most issues.
Step 3 – Contact the Credit Union Board of Directors If a resolution is still not forthcoming, then please address your concerns to the Credit Union Board of Directors. The General Manager will pass on any concerns you may have to them.
Step 4 – Contact the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments
The Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI) provides you with an independent and impartial avenue to resolve concerns. For information about submitting a concern to the OBSI contact:
Phone: 1.888.451.4519
Mail: Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments
P.O. Box 896 Station Adelaide
Toronto ON M5C 2K3